Writers Sites
(Just to let you folks know, I'm constantly editing this page, except for when I end up taking a break from editing this page. ;-) I have added new links and substituted a new link for an old, non-working basic plots thing, plus found a new one , offering alternates to those seven plots. I believe that both total seven apiece, so does that make for a total of fourteen basic plots?
~ * * * ~
Accents and Diacritical Marks: accents, diacritical marks - non-standard characters signs that change the sound of letters and words.
addall.com/used. Lists 20 different book sites at ascending prices (commercial, but useful--my brother-in-law gave this link to me when he'd heard I was buying the Oz books from amazon.com).
Anatomy of a Logline They're discussing this on the OWW writing list now and its application to a novel.
Articles: StoryMind.com.
Astrology for Writers, Editors and Filmakers
AutoCrit (posted by Jeremy Yoder to the OWW list).
Advice for Aspiring Writers (from the site Science Fiction World of Jeffrey A. Carter)
Also of Interest
limyaael's rants on writing
Basic Plots in Literature, at the Internet Public Library
Bite (Vampire magazine)
Basic Plots in Literature, Seven--ZhurnalWiki
Basic Plots: Recurring Themes (Booker, Christopher) BBC Oxford Stage
BIAW (Book In A Week)
CipaBooks.com Newsline BIAW (.PDF file): Oct 01, 2001
April Kilstrom BIAW
April Kilstrom Workshops page (SFF.NET)
Celia Stuart
Calgary RWA BIAW
Latter-Day Authors BIAW
Maryland Romance Writers BIAW
RWA MysterySuspense.org BIAW
The Rest of the Google.
Book Writing
A Writer's Dairy [Cynthia Harrison]: Notes into Order, more trouble ensues
Kathy Carmichael's Pitch Generator
Crafting the Braided Narrative by David Poyer
FAQ #1a: How do I get started writing my first book? Here's Nan's Top Secret Extra Special Sooper Dooper Philosophy on How to Write A Book!
Freelance Writing Tips by David L. Pulver
How do I write a book?
How To Write A Novel In 100 Days Or Less
Interview with Charles de Lint (1998)
Jenny Crusie: book collages
John Sandford on The Writer's Craft
Peg Kerr's Journal: Other things on my mind as a new book starts up
Trick Questions: A Conversation With Michael Ondaatje
The Snowflake Method for Writing a Novel ~ Randy Ingermanson
The Writer's Craft: Technique
Calendar Maker 2.0
Calendar, Roman.
Choices in Viewpoint by Lisa Wood Curry
Coffeehouse for Writers
Common Errors in English Usage
Cyberpunk Project, the--information database
Character Building
Character Building Workshop at WritersUniversity.com
Character Generator (description) at feath.com
Random Sandwich Combinations when you want to explore your character's favorites, or some ideas thereof, courtesy of tweetyiscool29 0n LiveJournal.
Rich Hamper's Character Profile.
How To Create A Character Profile by The Lazy Scholar [TM].
Left, Right, Left, Right, Character (Keegan, Alex)
Building Character: Seven Keys to Defining Character
Common Errors in English.
The Clarion Foundation
Gakked from
The Not-So-Grand List of Overused Fantasy Clichés by dietzt
The Grand List of Fantasy Cliches: by Kathy Pulver and J. S. Burke
How to Write a Fantasy Cliche by Rose McCann
The Grand List of Overused Science Fiction Clichés © 2004 by John VanSickle
Dark Erotica
Describing a Person: Adding Details.
Dark Erotica writing tips.
Day 3 of Complexity – Degree of Difficulty
Deep Magic (mentions plotting diagrams).
Dramatic Situations,The Thirty-six (plus one)
Dream Dictionary.
Online Etymology Dictionary.
onelook.com dictionary search
Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary and Thesaurus.
English-French Dictionary
English-Latin On-line Dictionary
Online English to Japanese to English Dictionary
Oxford Dictionary Online
ARTFL Project: French-English Dictionary Form
Latin = English dictionary.
Latin Dictionary and Grammar Aid
travlang's English - Latin On-line Dictionary.
EverNote Beta for Windows
Evil Overlord List, the
eHarlequin.com - Writers tips posted.
Frugal Finesse.
The Encyclopedia of Astrobiology, Astronomy, and Spaceflight.
Encyclopedia Mythica.
Masterliness The World Knowledge Library.
Fantasy Novelist's Exam, the By David J. Parker. Additional Material By Samuel Stoddard.
Farmer's Almanac Online.
FAQs, Help, and Tutorials.
Fiction Writing@about.com.
First Chapter Contest, the. Monthly. Prize: $250, online publication, and feedback.
Falsh Fiction, 10 Reasons to Try
Flashes on the Meridian: Dazzled by Flash Fiction (Pamelyn Casto)
Free language courses.
Free Writing Articles.
Freelance Work Exchange -- might or might not list writer's jobs.
Open Directory - Arts: Writers Resources.
Google Search.
Google Search: Plot Diagrams.
Writing Fast Fiction -- Google search
Writing Fast Fiction II -- Google Search.
Google Directory of Writer's Resources.
Google Search: Writing Flash Fiction
Note To Self: Reasonable advice, try to read it again for encouragement and tips.
Chance's blog (from the OWW).
English Grammar book - EnglishPage.com.
The Good Grammar, Good Style Pages
GRAMBO. This is a test of the emergency grammar system.
Grammar Bytes! (I love the graphic on this page -- Grammarzilla LOL)
The Tongue Untied A Guide to grammar, Punctuation & Style for Journalists.
Professional Tips for the Amateur Writer (a not-so-serious guide to English grammar)
Grammar handbook
Guide to Grammar and Writing
The Internet Grammar of English
Hypertextbook of Modern English Grammar.
~No longer does email lessons, but archives are available to the peruser.
Basic grammar links
Dr. Grammar.
ABCs of Grammar, an online grammar course (cost: $20.00).
*_ Word Place, Inc. * _
© 1999-2004 Word Place, Inc., All rights reserved.
Daily Grammar Lesson Archives
HALLOWEEN: OCTOBER FESTIVAL OF THE DEAD Journal Entry, October 31st............................The Transition from Autumn to Winter
Harry Potter Index, the
Hatrack River Writers Workshop Forum, moderated by Kathleen Dalton-Woodbury.
Horror Writer's Association
How to Write a Publishable Novel -Judith Kelman's Writer's Resource Page.
The Nihongo Web Haiku Center
Internet Writing Workshop
Introduction to Genealogy.
Inspiration, Writing
Anthologies Online: Generating Innovative Ideas for Writing.
Inspiration for Writers
Language Construction Kit, the
Lars Eighner's Online Writing Course Novel Tutorial.
LitHaven.com - News.
LJ Book. PDF of your lj available.
Literary Periodicals
Courtesy of Thomas Fortenberry:
Mind Fire international literary arts journal
Istanbul Literature Review
Making Light Reality-based language, fraud, folly, truth, history, and knitting. Et cetera.
Manuscript Format Checklist
Organized Writer's Guideline Database
Absolute Write's Market Archives
Writer's Weekly
Writing-World.com list of links to markets #1
Funds for Writers - Jobs and Markets (newsletter available, also click on grants and contests)
Paying Markets List
Freelance Job Bank on Freelance Writing.com
Writer's Write Writer's Guideline Directory
Writer's Digest - Market of the Day
Writer's Market.com (subscription only)
The Writer Gazette #1
The Writer Gazette #2
National Novel Finishing Month
National Novel Writing Month
National Novel Writing Year (associated with NaNoWRiMo).
National Novel Editing Month
April Fools. Like NaNoWriMo, only you set your own writing goals for the month of April.
May D&G Challenge (new version) - for those who did not finish their bit for the April Fools writing challenge.
Notecarding: Plotting Under Pressure by Lisle, Holly
Novel Writing Year 2005 Blogspot.
Novel Writing Year 2005 Yahoo groups
Novel Writing Year 2005 LiveJournal
Novel Writing Year 2005 MSN community
On MSN it's called 1k words per week or something, NaNoWriYe 05 in a place or two -- but the basic goal is to write a novel in a year, or around 50-52k worth of a novel.
Noveling Notes: Detailed Chapter-by-Chapter Writing Outline
An Incomplete Manifesto for Growth
Name Generators
Alien Names Generator
Alien Names on Rails
All the Name Generators.
Behind the Name Random Name Generator: the etymology and history of first names.
FOTS: Random Name Generator.
Random Name Generator )kleimo.com).
Random name generator (xtra-rant.com).
Seventh Sanctum Name Generators
Random Tavern Name Generator
squid.org fantasy name generator.
Proper Name Generator.
Totro, the Fantasy Random Name Generator.
Character Name Generator By Steven Edward Schend.
Random Name Generator(Kitchona Software).
Baby Name Inventor.
The Character Name Generator by Catherine Tudor.
Random Irish Name Generator.
Historical Name Generator: Sixteenth Century Irish and Scottish Gaelic Names.
Fourteen Minutes Random Name generator.
123-baby-names.com name generator.
Gamewyrd Name Generator.
RinkWorks Fantasy Name generator. By Samuel Stoddard - Version 1.4.
Elf Name generator.
Warhammer FRP Daemon Name generator.
Peter's Random Name Generator.
Baby Name generator - girls. (From pregnancyandbaby.com)
Baby Name generator - boys. (From pregnancyandbaby.com)
Name generator.
Random WebLog Name Generator - for those hard to name blogs.
Eyeblog's Creative Name Generator.
Pet Name Generator )flash).
Horse Name generator - horse & pony names
Overcoming Writer's Block
The Serendip.
The Monthly Writing Challenge.
The Zoo.
The OWW Ark.
Online Writing workshop for Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror.
Serendipity Village.
Patterns in Mathematics: Limericks Factory.
PBW's Ten
Philosophy Forum: Founding a new civilization.
Piker PressNaNoWRiMo Forums.
Poets & Writers, Inc.
Preditors & Editors
Principia Infecta World Building.
Process Again: Getting Started And Keeping Going
Prompts Collection from diary-x.com.
Notes on Craft
Outline Your Novel in Thirty Minutes.
PLOT—Part Two: Navigating Dangerous Terrain by Lori L. Lake (Aristotle’s Story Arc)
Plot Diagram I
Plot Development
Plot diagram
(Verge Magazine)
Plot Workshop.
Plotting the Mystery Novel
Ten Things to Help With Novel Plotting.
Writing the Novel Series Plot Template.
Language is a Virus
Guide to Punctuation
Larry Trask
University of Sussex
(to aid in the preservation of the English langiage)
Reader's Retreat, the
Romance Writers Of America: Synopsis help links.
No-frills writer's freeware.
Science Fiction & Fantasy Workshop.
Science Fiction Citations: Hunting for the earliest citations of SF words.
Internet SACRED TEXT archives.
Seventh Sanctum Setting Generator
SFWW: Science Fiction Writers Workshop Since 1988
NaNoNotepad (with word count ability)
Writer's Tools.
Story Middle
Writing the Middle
Finishing what you started
Archetype storytelling cards
Hugh Cook's Notes. Lots of links in the beginning, scroll past them and you'l find the gem, the nuts and bolts.
Hugh Cook's Notes II. Lots of links in the beginning, scroll past them and you'l find the gem, the nuts and bolts.
Writing the Tight (Bare Bones) Synopsis By Beth Anderson © 2001 (Workshop Presentation at Autumn Authors' Affair XIV) Summary of the bare-bones outline/synopsis. Discussion/advice ranges from the one to the twelve page synopsis.
Writing The Dreaded Synopsis by Carolyn Jewel
A Writer's Main Selling Tool - The Synopsis By Marcella Kampman © 2003
Warning: The above uses the movie rather than the book The Wizard of Oz for sample synopsis. You can tell by the descriptions of both Dorothy and the slippers, assuming that you've read the book.
Step 1: Start With A Hook.
Step 2: Introduction of Characters.
Step 3: Construct the Body of Your Synopsis.
Step 4: Use Three or Four Paragraphs to Write the CRISIS and RESOLUTION of Your Story.
Step 5: Revise your synopsis.
Five Steps To Writing A Synopsis by Vivian Teresa Beck
The five basic building blocks to writing a synopsis.
How do I write a book synopsis?
Writing a synopsis is sometimes harder than writing a book. Here are some tips to writing a synopsis that sells.
Conquering the Dreaded Synopsis by Lisa Gardner
Mastering the Dreaded Synopsis - Condensing Your Novel by Lee Masterson
Writing a synopsis is one of the most daunting chores a writer must face. After spending months lovingly crafting a complex plot, realizing and nurturing a cast of characters and painstakingly selecting the right prose for descriptions, how do you then summarize your masterpiece in just 2 or 3 pages?
Outlining Your Script or Story by Thomas B. Sawyer
A synopsis is generally defined as a one-to-four page narrative description of what happens in your story, told with some sizzle, since it will likely be used as a selling tool –- to entice an agent, publisher or producer to take a look at your manuscript.
WRITING THE SYNOPSIS (FOR FICTION) -- Farris Literary Agency, Inc.
The idea is to simply tell your entire story, from start to finish, as briefly and succinctly as you can.
A Writer's Main Selling Tool - The Synopsis By Marcella Kampman © 2003
Synopsis Menu
Outlines and Synopses: Synopses by Robert J. Sawyer
Actual synopses for four of Sawyer's novels (and outlines for several more.)
Writing a Synopsis from the Ground Up" by Dee-Ann Latona LeBlanc
Breaking it down: one sentence, one paragraph, on page, and longer synopses.
"Writing the Tight (Bare Bones) Synopsis" by Beth Anderson
0-"How to Write a Synopsis" by Marg Gilks
A step-by-step approach.
-"The White City" by Benjamin Rosenbaum
Not a synopsis, but a novel's worth of entertaining story in 500 words
Lisa Gardner's online workshop, Conquering the Dreaded Synopsis.
Ten lessons in synopsis writing from a NYT bestselling author.
Tara K. Harper Science Fiction/Fantasy Author
Tech of writing/Outlines and notes of story writing, the
The Word Meter.
2005 OWW World's Strongest Writer Marathon!
The Fiction Writer’s Page
The Writing Life
Tips for Fiction Writers: Structure.
TypeCharge Word, Line and Character Counter
Title Scorer. Lulu Title Scorer--Put Your Title to the Test.
The Erotic Thesaurus
Tradukilo (an online Esperanto translator)
Vision: A Resource for Writers.
Visualizing Science
What Works And Doesn't Work in a Writer's Website BookBanter is a community and resource site for writers publishing and promoting online. The site is owned, designed and maintained by Sarah Mankowski | WordThunder Publications
Women-Ink.com, women's book coach Katey Coffing Ph.D.
Writely.com--on-line word processor.
Writerly Stuff
Writer's Window Story Builder
writerz-inc. Recommended by punkprincess: Writing - Literary Consultants (U.K.)
Writing Fiction (blog for the editor of The Fiction Writer's Page, above).
Writing Flash Fiction Using Bubble Diagrams.
Writing from the Editor's Perspective: Diana Gill Conference.
Writing on the Web: Nine Winning Habits of Successful Authors. Some hard-and-fast bits for those who want to write.
Writing Prompts and Useful Sites
"Writing Science Fiction and Fantasy" by Jeffrey A. Carver (free, on-line course, apparently)
Writing Tips.
writing-world.com advice index.
writing.org. This is a noncommercial Web site for writers. It's sponsored, edited, and written by Durant Imboden.
Word Frequency
Alan Wyatt's Word Tips
Web Frequency Indexer
Free Trial Download: Hermetic Word Frequency Counter 2.07
1. Developing the Fictional World Through mapping
2. Constructed World
3. 30 Days of World Building
4. Peter's Guide to Map Creation
5. Writing Fantasy-A Creative Approach to World Building
6. Session Assignments for World Builders
7. Words, Works, Worlds
8. Three Rules of Fantasy Worldbuilding
9. Writing Fantasy - A Creative Approach to World Building
10. Free Worksheets for Writers or RPG
11. World-Building Workshop ~ Naming Your World and Choosing a Heirarchy
12. Fantasy World Building Questions
Writer's Blogs & Websites
Annalee Blysse. Adult-oriented literature, but also, her website references some writer's groups of interest (and thank you for the kind words. I do try to maintain some helpful and interesting links here).
Ann Vremont's writer's page.
Blogging My First Novel
Adam Wieland's blog (from The Parasitorium on Yahoo Groups.
Feath's Tarot Quick Question. Writer's thing.
Fiction Writing Blog, the: Articles, Writing Exercises, Prompts and More....: Saturday, February 28, 2004
Fourth and Fifth Grade Writing Links
Harlan Ellison's web site (And Harlan, if you're reading this--you were nice to my daughter at that I-Con that her father and I were volunteering at (we're since divorced) and she was already going through enough shit at home then. I was already a fan before seeing you there, and I'm still one, even after talking with you (but then, I don't think I ever did anything to get a dose of the Ellison temper, lol). You and your wife, IMO, are both lovely people, you were both so nice to her. Thank you.
(Hey, it's my blog. I can insert messages here and there, as well as links.)
Ilona's World
Julie Cornewell's Blog
Limyaael's Fantasy Fiction Rants.
Michelle Styles Blog.
Paperback Writer. Novel III: Outlining.
Piers Anthony's website.
Ron Leming's Website
The Slush God Speaketh Being a blog characterized by brief flurries of creativity followed by prolonged periods of inactivity, which depicts the adventures of a young man whose principal interests are science fiction, slush, audiobooks, and heavy metal.
The Writing Life. Terry Whalin's blog, and it has some good advice and insight into the writer's life.
Writing Prompts
A Writer's Jottings: Writing Prompts Collection - Part 1
Borland Shakespearian Insult Generator.
Cybernetic Engines Writing Prompt Generator.
Creative Writing Prompts
Creative Writing Resources.
Expository Writing Prompts
Feath's Bookcase: Writer's Prompts.
Instant Muse Poetry Generator
Links to daily writing prompts and generators.
Narrative Essay Prompts
OnceWritten.com writing prompt generator.
Random Compliment Generator.
Seventh Sanctum Generators.
Shakespearean Insult Generator
Shakespearean Insulter
Surrealist Compliment Generator.
The Writing Spark
Wake Up Writing
writersdigest.com writing prompts
WritingFix.com Daily Prompt Generator.
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