Friday, June 03, 2005

Fundamentals of Magick

True Knowledge and Fluffy Garbage. Pagan's Grove group on MSN.
Daven's Journal - blog-type thing.
Spell A Day
The Mage
Hearts at Ease, a Witch's Cottage.
Lilith's Lantern Feri Magick site.

Thorncoyle Magick classes thing

What is a fluffy bunny, anyhow? A divination site (free). Article:
The role of the teacher in magic by Taylor Ellwood.

Pagan Path.
Goddess Flight.

House & Home.

On a related note *laugh*:

Everything you wanted to know about literary agents

Reaction to Above re: Lit. Agents


Working .html tutorial thing.

White Witch Lady's Domain Wiccan/Pagan Wallpapers.

Changing Picture (daily)

     Just having a bit of fun here, doing something I haven't enjoyed in many years: researching something. *grin*

RealMagick: The Occult Library.
Articles Archive Home Page
Below you will find an array of free articles, book excerpts, path-workings and rituals that you are welcome to print and keep for your own use. Most include recommended reading lists so that you may explore these subjects further!

The Fundamentals Of Magickal Practice
Class # 1: Fundamentals of Magick
The Ways of Magick
Some Questions About Magick
A Gathering of Paths
Articles on Magick
Free Magick Course
Magick Links Page
Magick Directory
More Links (includes a link or links to the Golden Dawn, which I did read up on years ago)
More magick links
Egyptian page, only some of which might be related to magick but it's still interesting.
Dino search engine for magick
World's Largest Your "" Directory
More magick links.
Yet more links.
WAKKI links page.
FreeSeek links page.
Magick Linky Dinks.
More Linky Dinks
Gogog Directory
Der Keiler Directory.
Esoteric and Occult: Magick.
      There's more than enough for me to start rereading and catching up with this stuff. It's been a few years since I did any research into the Arts Arcane. ;-)

Tarot for Writers

Tarot for Writers By Rachel Pollack, Tarot Grand Master

Aeclectic Tarot

Why Wiccans Suck.
"You should know that the maker of the website is not anti-Pagan or even necessarily anti-Wiccan. She just seems to be tired of uneducated individuals who toss the term around loosely, without really understanding its meaning. That being said, I hope you can appreciate the site for what it's worth."

~ Quote from pancakeprincess on LJ, who posted the link to the LJ community Pagan.

Snape's "I'm Too Sexy" (PPP video) in a different format from the original, prolly cross-linked.

How To Detect Lies.

Birth Trees

Flower and Tree Magick

Sacred Trees

The Quibbler

Herbal Musings.

HERBOLOGY (from Avalon Mists:

     Class 1 classes : Week 1 Assign.# 1
          Class 1 classes : Week 1 Assign. # 2
               Homework bin: Lecture 1 Homework
AromaThyme club.

Witch's Rede

Witch's Rede
The Witch's Rede of Chivalry
The Witch's Law
Pagan Reference Page
New Year's resolutions for Witches


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