Thursday, May 26, 2005

Search Engines

Search Engines
Alta Vista
Ask Jeeves


IxQuik Metasearch




Join Blingo Friends.

Medieval Nuts & Bolts

Toiletries Through The Ages.

Training and Tactics in the early Middle Ages.

Internet Medieval Sourcebook

Background to the Swedish volunteer and reserve officers system By Maj (res) Sven Hugosson. Research/overview from early Middle Ages to today.

Hyoho Niten Ichi Ryu

Miyamoto Musashi

How to hold/swing a sword.

Information for Trainers -more swordsmanship stuff.

Iaido (Japanese sword)

The Way of the Warrior
by Lord Sylvanus Perrin
M.K.A. Brian J. Pfeifer

Perrin's Two Bits: How to Hold a Sword

Trebuchet: successor to the Catapult.

Physics of the Trebuchet. © Filip Radlinski 1996, 1997 "Please acknowledge my work. Look! There is nothing except trebuchet stuff on all my trebuchet pages!"

The Trebuchet at NF/ Observatory.

Trebuchet Google Search

Firemaking with Flint & Steel

Loading and firing Matchlocks By Colin Armstrong Maître des cannons

Le Pietre del Fuoco (Flintstones - Stones of Fire). Veronese Flintstones and the Flints of Europe (includes Origin of the Flint).

Worship of the Generative Powers: Middle Ages and Renaissance.

Magickal Flint Arrowheads.

Angel Fire Living History Days Labor Day weekend.

Industry of the Middle Ages.

Twelve years of experience in experimental archaeology, the 10th International Conference on Experimental Archaeology D. Olthof

Fire-Festivals of Europe. Section 8. The Need-fire.

EXARC European Exchange of Archaeological Research and Communication calendar - with links.

Medieval Firestarting techniques. Stefan's Florilegium (firestarting-msg).

Hilltop RV Superstore. Medieval Replicas.

All Empires History Forums.

Really, really refined search

Psychic Research Google Search with duly refined parameters.


Medieval Razors search

Daily Life: Tales of the Middle Ages.

Medieval-Life.Net: Doctors

S.C.A. page: hairstyles.

Medieval & Ancient Names

Personal Grooming in the Viking Age

Online Medieval and Classical Library.

Medieval Medicine (also mentions women doctors).


Medieval Technology Pages

Spectacles HA! I think Garth just regained his spectacles! *laugh*

The Armour Archives. It doesn't say anything about military ranking on the frontispiece but I might find something in their archives (in addition to the armour).

[Valerie Eads]

Dictionaries Online

French dictionaries Google Search

British dictionaries Google Search

Urban Dictionary, courtesy of Ron Leming who sent the link to me.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Elements of Fiction [emphasis on the short story]

Point of View
Style, Tone, and Language
Symbolism, Allegory, and Image

The Formal Elements of Fiction

In the same way that a painter uses shape, color, perspective, and other aspects of visual art to create a painting, a fiction writer uses character, setting, plot, point of view, theme, and various kinds of symbolism and language to create artistic effect in fiction. These aspects of fiction are known as the formal elements. An understanding of the formal elements will enhance the reader’s appreciation of any piece of fiction, as well as his or her ability to share perceptions with others. For example, the concept of setting helps a reader of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “Young Goodman Brown” to recognize and discuss the significance of the “deep dusk of the forest” and the “uncertain light” encountered by Brown as he begins his dreamlike encounter with the devil.

While the list of formal elements encourages us to divide a story into parts, in the story itself these elements blend to create a whole. At some level, or perhaps in the first reading of a piece, readers should read without applying these divisions in order to experience the story's unique effect. Nevertheless, knowledge of the formal elements is necessary for most critical discussions of fiction. These elements provide a basic vocabulary and set of critical tools that can be used in conjunction with many other critical approaches.

For definitions of literary elements, click on one of the choices on the left. There are interactive exercises following each description, as well as examples of how each element functions in the context of a story.

Contributing author: Gary Parks, Shoreline Community College

Top Ten Elements.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Free Reading Free downloads.
Project Gutenburg.

The Adventures of Edward the Less

Baen Free Library


Science Fiction / Fantasy Review. A Review Source for Readers, by Readers.


How Horses Sleep.
Horses Sleep for longer on Straw.
Equine Maintenance Behavior: Feeding, Drinking, Coat Care and Behavioral Thermoregulation by Katherine Albro Houpt, Laboratory of Equine Behavior and Welfare, College of Veterinary Medicine

Just for Youth: Horse Facts.

The Ultimate horse Site.

Anatomy of the Horse.


Horse Breeds

Horsey Google Search

Monday, May 16, 2005


Behind The Name - the etymology and history of first nmaes.
Fantasy Name Generator
Fairy Name Generator
Your Fairy Name
Evil name Generator
Pagan Name Generator
Character Name generator @ wizards . com
Authentic Indian Names
Gorm's Viking Name Converter
Acronym Interaction, Expansion, and Extrapolation Engine a/k/a AIEE.
Random Name Generator fantasy name generator
Baby Name Inventor Name Generator
Totro, the Fantasy Random Name Generator
Ah, heck - the search so I can retirn to it:
Name Generators

All about writing Daily Prompt Generator.

Cybernetic Engines Writing Prompt Generator.
Creative Writing Resources. writing prompt generator.

Links to daily writing prompts and geneators.

All about writing

13 Things that Do Not Make Sense

Natural Selection. Tod (one d) Goldberg's blog-thing. Natural Selection: Advanced novle writing course rant thing. ;-)

Tarot And Writing

Tarot by Arwen

I took a workshop with her concerning Tarot for Writers. She also does spreads for writers too. There are also a few spreads illustrated as well, though not (that I see yet) any of the writer's ones.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Fan Sites

BitTorrent DLs SF shows.

Lake Eerie -- Jimi's character art.

firefallenangel on LiveJournal writes:
Subject: check this out Liz
i have a forum that i think you'd be interested in Liz.

Eternal Tanelorn.

It's a forum involving fantasy books, sci-fi, horror, comics, anime, on-line vid games, etc. my friend over in England set it up and runs it. it's new too, only a few days old. just thought that you might be interested in it. *grin*

Rainbow clip. ("For those of you who don't know, "Rainbow" was a credible childrens TV show from the 70's and 80's. This clip was actually broadcast and watched by millions.") Normally, I would have put this under diversinos but the way the episode was apparently written == and knowing the typical British pluck and mastery of understatement and double entendrès -- I just had to post it here. ;-)

Doctor Who: The Companions' Home Page

Tuesday, May 10, 2005


The Mystery of the Haunted Vampire: Americans remain spooked by ghosts

Friday, May 06, 2005

Making Publics: Media, Markets, and Association in Early Modern Europe, 1500-1700.

Elizabeth Anne Ensley.

Second Vatican Council
TellTalePress Writing Contest.
The Tao of Charcoal.

Hand-Dug Wells and Their Construction - links page.

New Latin Word List (Medieval).

Hatshepsut, Female Pharaoh of Egypt.
She Who Must Be Obeyed
Notes from the lecture by Dr. Gay Robins
“Women of the Nile” Exhibit
Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum
by PerSekhmet
May 1, 1999
©Copyright 1999-2002
A Timeline of Egyptian History
Warrior Pharaoh, The - EGYPT'S GOLDEN EMPIRE; Volume #168a
"The Pharaoh Hatshepsut embarked on an ambitious building campaign."
Chephren; Pages Through the Ages.
Women Pharaohs

Perspectives on the Professions.