Writers Sites: A-B-C
25 Things to Know About Your Story's Stakes (Wendig, Chuck)
Accents and Diacritical Marks: accents, diacritical marks - non-standard characters signs that change the sound of letters and words.
addall.com/used. Lists 20 different book sites at ascending prices (commercial, but useful--my brother-in-law gave this link to me when he'd heard I was buying the Oz books from amazon.com).
An Englishman in New Jersey (Jon Gibb's LiveJournal blog) Interesting Posts About Writing.
AutoCrit (posted by Jeremy Yoder to the OWW list).
Advice for Aspiring Writers (from the site Science Fiction World of Jeffrey A. Carter)
Great Science Fiction Creators Who Have Studied Architecture By Gordon Jackson and Charlie Jane Anders
Late Bloomers (Peripherally related to us slow starters)
How Does The 'Layering' of Old Cities Occur?
Science Fiction Problems: How To Write Aliens
Kiss Your As Goodbye
By Margie Lawson, guesting at Writers in the Storm.
Author's Blogs & Websites
Piers Anthony
Star* Publish Times
Ann Cory's Aphrodisiacs for the MindAnnalee Blysse.
Adult-oriented literature, but also, her website references some writer's groups of interest (and thank you for the kind words. I do try to maintain some helpful and interesting links here).
Elizabeth Anne Ensley They did something weird to this site.....
Derek Handley Creative Writing
David Rosenberg
Feath's Tarot Quick Question. Writer's thing.
Feath's Clam Dragon Page - page concerning her book, Care and Feeding of Your New Pet: Clam Dragon
Harlan Ellison's web site (And
Harlan, if you're reading this--you were nice to my daughter at that I-Con that her father and I were volunteering at (we're since divorced) and she was already going through enough shit at home then. I was already a fan before seeing you there, and I'm still one, even after talking with you (but then, I don't think I ever did anything to get a dose of the Ellison temper, lol). You and your wife, IMO, are both lovely people, you were both so nice to her. Thank you.
(Hey, it's my blog. I can insert messages here and there, as well as links.)
Heather Long - and yea, I know, romance author, but she writes paranormals. I took an on-line class with her, and she has some rather interesting ideas.
(Malinda Lo)
Jim C, Hines, Fantasy Author
Jon Gibbs
Ilona's World
Lara Parker Online
Kate Pearce's Blog
Michelle Styles Blog.
Paperback Writer. Novel III: Outlining.
Piers Anthony's website.
Ron Leming's Website
The Writing Life.
Terry Whalin's blog, and it has some good advice and insight into the writer's life.Martha Wells, with World-building Tips
Basic Plots in Literature
Bite (Vampire magazine)
Basic Plots: Recurring Themes (Booker, Christopher) BBC Oxford Stage
Brain Candy
BIAW (Book In A Week)
April Kilstrom BIAW
April Kilstrom Workshops page (SFF.NET)
Blank Novel Outline
The Body Language Cheat Sheet for Writers (PDF)
BookMooch: a community for exchanging used books (book swap and book exchange and book trade)
Book Review
Writing with Writers: Write a Book Review with Rodman Philbrick.
Book Writing
Kathy Carmichael's Pitch Generator
Crafting the Braided Narrative by David PoyerFAQ #1a: How do I get started writing my first book? Here's Nan's Top Secret Extra Special Sooper Dooper Philosophy on How to Write A Book!
Freelance Writing Tips by David L. Pulver
How To Write A Novel In 100 Days Or Less
Interview with Charles de Lint (1998)
Peg Kerr's Journal
The Snowflake Method for Writing a Novel ~ Randy Ingermanson
Coffeehouse for Writers
Celtic Literature
The Celtic Literature Collective
Celtic literature - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Celtic Folklore
CELT: The online resource for Irish history, literature and politics
Intute: Arts and Humanities - Search results
§17. Celtic Literature. XII. The Arthurian Legend. Vol. 1. From the Beginnings to the Cycles of Romance. The Cambridge History of English and American Literature: An Encyclopedia in Eighteen Volumes. 1907–21
newton03.pdf (application/pdf Object)
Celtic Resources
Medieval Sourcebook: The Celtic World
Free Books > Literature & Fiction > World Literature > Mythology > Celtic & British Isles
Celtic Literature by Matthew Arnold - Free eBook
Celtic Literature by Matthew Arnold - Free eBook
Guinevere in Celtic Literature
Celtic Literature by Matthew Arnold - Full Text Free Book (Part 1/3)
Celtic Literature: TABLE OF CONTENTS
About Female Characters (or as I like to call them, Characters) by Adrienne Kress
Character Building Workshop at WritersUniversity.comCharacter Generator (description) at feath.com
Possible Considerations in the Study of Character
Establishing a Series Character (Buried under Books Blog) by Marni Graff
Fresh, Fresh Fresh Character descriptions (Writers In The Storm blog)
How To Create A Character Profile by The Lazy Scholar [TM].
Left, Right, Left, Right, Character (Keegan, Alex)
Building Character: Seven Keys to Defining Character
Questionnaires for Writing Character Profiles at Creative Writing Now
The Fictional Character's Survival Guide
Writing A Novel, Part 8: Using A Character Sheet
The CBI Clubhouse The online home for Children's Book Insider readers
Common Errors in English.
Clarion The Clarion Foundation
The Grand List of Overused Science Fiction Clichés © 2004 by John VanSickle
To the anonymous commenter who wanted to know where to find a new Captcha, I recommend Google. I monitor all comments here, because I've had too much spam on irrelevant and off-topic subjects, and this is a blog for fiction writing related links.
Labels: writing