Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Beginner's Bookbinding

Bookbinding Advice on LiveJournal in the nonfluffypagans lj community

Bookbinding: A Tutorial


Gigabooks Hand Bookbinding Supply

Welcome to Graeme's Book Art page Japanese bookbinding site

Bind It Fast Adapted from an article in Boys' Life (October 1991) by Brook West. Japanese bookbinding techniques.


The Binding of This Book by Owen Bradford Tutorial on binding a single section book.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

from the Speculative Fiction Writers Group on Yahoo

Message: 1
  Date: Wed, 24 Aug 2005 07:36:12 -0700 (PDT)
  From: James Gurley
Subject: Re: Markets

Suzan, or whoever wants this,

Here is a partial list. I'll send more later. Be sure to address to proper editor and follow
submission guidelines explicitly. Proper editor is usually found in 'about us' section. It makes a difference if you're more personal in your submission.

Alien Skin ---------- www.alienskinmag.com
Another Realm -- www.anotherrealm.com
Apex Digest -----  www.apexdigest.com
Ascent Aspirations -- www.ascentaspirations.ca
Bewildering Stories -- www.bewilderingstories.com
Blood Moon ------------- www.lovepain.com (Adult market)
Blood Cookies --------- www.thepoisonedapple.com
Cthulhu Sex Magazine -- www.cthulhusex.com
Chaos Theory ------------ http://genspace.com/ctta/issue6
Chiaroscuro -------------- www.chizine.com
Deathlings ---------------- www.deathlings.com
Dark Animus ------------- www.darkanimus.com
Dark Discovery ---------- www.darkdiscovery.com
Decompositions --------- http:// home.earthlink.net/~brosenberger/decompositions.html
Dream Virus ------------- www.dreamvirus.com
Far Sector ----------------- www.farsector.com
Fantasy and science Fiction -- www.sfsite.com/fsf
From the Asylum ------------- www.fromethe asylum.com
Forever Underground ------- www.nosfermina.com
Futurismic -------------------- www.futurismic.com
Three Lobed Burning Eye .. www.owlsoup.com
Lost in the Dark ------ www.lostinthedark.net
NFG ----------------------- www.nfg.ca
Night Terrors------------ www.night-terrors-publications.com
Night to dawn --------- www.bloodredshadows.com/night2dawn
Sam's Dot Publishing -- www.samsdotpublishing.com (six or seven magazines)
Nocturnal Ooze ------------ www.nocturnalooze.com
Glimmer Train Press ------ www.glimmertrainpress.com
Lenox Avenue ------------ www.lenoxavemag.com
Ideomancer --------------- www.ideomancer.co
Infinity PLus ---------------- www.infinityplus.co.uk
Lullaby hearse ----------- www.lullabyhearse.com
Quietus Mag. ------------- www.quietusmag.com
Insideous reflections -------- www.insideousreflections.com

Also,  Ralan, Spicy green Iguana, and Specficworld are good sources for updated markets.

I'm a member of the Horror Writers Asscoiation. For $65.00 year, you get a lot of info, market information, mentoring, etc. It's worth every penny. www.hwa.org.

Hope this helps.


Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Fiction Markets Lists

Canadian ContentMarkets.
CALLIHOO SF/F/H Short Fiction Market List (.PDF format).
Computer Crows Nest Writer's Spells.
Duotrope's Digest of Fiction Fields
Ezines: A writer's worldwide market.
Excite U.K. directory.
Fiction Factor maintains a list of writing markets and also has both writing tips and book reviews.
Market Listing Sources. Recommended sources for Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror Markets by Douglas Smith (Last updated: September 2004)
Paula Fleming's Complete Market List.
Ralan's Specfic & Humor Webstravaganza Market list updates.
SF&FWoA.inc. links list to market reports.
Speculative Fiction Markets posted at http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu
Steve's Science Fiction Writing Page
The Market List. The Online Resource for Genre Fiction Writers.
Writer's Resources by Splat Comic U.K.
Google Directory.
Google Search "fiction market" list to return to at a future point.

Monday, August 08, 2005

Simple Pancake Recipe

Simple Pancake Recipe

Random Articles

The Gnu Operating System.
Science Fiction Research Association
Richard Stallman's personal page.
U.S.S. Clueless Archive

Flash Fiction
Writing Flash Fiction Using Bubble Diagrams

Some Science
Article: Rainbows on Titan.
Global Disaster Watch page.
Asteroid Strike.

The Dionaea House: Updates
Random anti-President Bush site that folks keep telling me to check out but I never do.
An Interview With Pat Devin (Consultant for "The Craft")
Useful Phrase list

Thyme Machine.
MERMAIDS Fact or Fiction? (Part 1) by Peter Vine
Killer Tomatoes website (official)
Treacle Mining

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Pantheon Info

Lucky Mojo

Encyclopedia Mythica

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Kuiper Object/Belt Google Searches

Kuiper Object
Kuiper Belt